Friday, October 25, 2013

Kupopolo Heiau, Kawailoa

This large heiau at the flat land of Kawailoa just before Waimea. Was said to have been created during the reign the last sovereign Mo'i of Oahu, Kahahana.  His Kahuna Nui, Kaopulupulu was the high priest presiding over it.
On my last blog entry about Waimea, while visiting some of the burial caves of Waimea. I was only able to see Kupopolo from the hills above. 
KSBE owns the land and UH uses the heiau now as a open classroom for students practicing archeology techniques. Although, McAllister and Emory have both surveyed the area years ago and found much disturbance due to curio relic hunters...
Hopefully this heiau will be carefully preserved for the future generations and not privatized... 

The kahuna nui Kaopulupulu and his son Kahulupue may have started their dreaded journey at this very heiau after being summoned by Kahahana. The priests tattooed their knees black as a sign that the communication and counsel of the kahuna were not heeded by the ali'i. This breakdown led to the fall of the Oahu kingdom to Maui rule... 
I'm unsure if this large upright stone has any connection with the heiau but it has the look of a shark fin.

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